BJWT Education
Black Jaguar-White Tiger is rooted in the belief that by raising awareness one can start a revolution. In this case, a revolution about the Love and respect for all living beings on this Planet.
Our mission is to change people’s perception about all Animals through advanced education and elevated awareness. We intend to help people fall back in love with their Planet, the Animals and ecosystems that coexist alongside us.

We Believe In The Power Of Digital
We believe in the power of digital and work digitally to raise awareness worldwide with our social media accounts, classroom conferences, email newsletters, and live Q+A’s. On these platforms we work to deliver actionable solutions, pictures, videos and accessible volunteer opportunities.

We hope to help build a world where all Animals can live freely and without fear. Working towards that includes taking action to reform current laws and to put in place restrictions, permits, and other boundaries that are needed to prevent more Animal cruelty cases. If you want to learn more click here – BJWT Legal Reform.