BJWT Rescues
At the Foundation we get requests to rescue Animals every day. From calls, emails, and texts to DM’s on Instagram, we get asked to take in Animals from all over the world. However, it’s not always feasible to take in every Animal from every location. Especially when most rescue missions require us to travel to the specified location to retrieve the Animal and move it to our Foundation.
BJWT Rescue Missions
We will coordinate and implement one to three rescue missions each month. These will typically take place throughout Mexico, due to the dire living situations in this country. Every Animal we rescue is provided a spacious, loving home with us at the Foundation.

We also work with the Mexican Government to provide a safe place for injured, sick or abused Animals that come into their possession. The government will often confiscate Animals from all around the country and send them to our Foundation for rehabilitation. This can occur almost monthly and greatly impacts our ability to conduct additional rescue missions. We want to save every life we can.
All of the Animals we rescue have no experience living in the wild, and are therefore unable to be released into the wild. Here we offer them a sanctuary of their own, giving them the best food, medical care, rehabilitation regimens, and endless Love they need. Each Animal is unique, and requires a unique rescue and rehabilitation plan.